Tuesday, November 26, 2013


     So as I am told Thanksgiving is this Thursday! I personally don't feel like Thanksgiving is this week. I partially blame this on the fact that the weather is the same as when I arrived in Honduras 3.5 months ago: hot and sunny. So for me, it is really hard to get in this holiday spirit without the freezing temperatures. However, the American in me knows it is Thanksgiving and the human part of me is a little home sick when it comes to missing my first family Thanksgiving and even more sad that I will be missing the most epic day ever: BLACK FRIDAY. However, like I have mentioned before "I am not missing out on anything I haven't done before." So instead of sulking in homesickness, I decided to be thankful and grateful for the amazing opportunities I am given. This past weekend we were invited to celebrate Thanksgiving at one of the missionary families here in town. It was a potluck style thanksgiving dinner, in which my house brought the mashed potatoes (what is Thanksgiving with out mashed tators!?). We showed up and the amount of food and people there was awesome! It smelled, tasted, and felt like Thanksgiving. Over 50 people from 14 different states and 3 different countries were represented. It was a great day in Gracias.

      As much as I will miss spending time with my family, I am beyond excited to do something new on Thanksgiving for once. This year my roommates, Elizabeth and I are going to explore El Salvador and hit up a surfing beach! I am excited to spend Thanksgiving laying beach side reading a great book. We get 4 days off for Thanksgiving, so it will be a nice and much needed break! So there are many things I am to be grateful for! 

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